What we accomplished

Technologies AND TOOLS used

Angular & Xamarin

Components - Angular follows a component-based architecture, where applications are made up of reusable building blocks called components.

Data Binding - Angular has a feature called data binding that connects the data in your application with the user interface.

Plugin Support - It offers a large variety of third-party libraries and plugins.

Microsoft Dot Net

Integration - .NET supports continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines by integrating with DevOps tools.

Long-Term Support - This guarantees your programmes' dependability and updates.


Rich content - images, descriptions, review, and improves user experience and aids in decision-making for travellers.

Global Travel Data - Amadeus gives users access to a sizable collection of information about travel across the world, such as flight timetables, hotel listings, information on renting a car, and more.


Design Handoff - It streamlines the handoff process by giving developers the ability to examine designs and assets.

Design Feedback - Stakeholders and team members can leave comments directly on the design.

Auto Layout - In Figma, Auto Layout makes it easier to create resizable and responsive components.